

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years ago

Dear Mr. Connors,


my name is Václav Šnajdr, I am second year bachelor student at the

Brno University of Technology at the faculty of Electrical Engineering

and Communication.


My hobby is building model aeroplanes, steam enngines and various

electrical devices. Recently i have found on internet some photos of

"Mendocino Motor" (magneticaly levitated solar powered motor) which took

my interest and have decided to build one myself. After thinking about

the motor I have encountered some dificulities. I realize, that the main

shaft with rotor levitates because of equality between the gravitation

force and magnetic force, but how do I prevent the main shaft from

"falling down" when deflected from the horizontal axis?


So i started searching the internet for any reference, but I have

not found anything useful. Except some interview on this site

http://www.i-hacked.com/content/view/192/2/. Then I had followed up link

to http://principles.pbwiki.com/FrontPage and there I have finally found

something useful. I have learned, that you lead group of students on

this "Mendocino Motor Project". I would be very grateful, if you could

send me any reference, where I could learn something in particular about

this motor. I hope I am not too daring when asking you for blueprints

(plans) of this device (either in CAD format or some free-hand sketch).

Please help me. I would really like to build this device. I am looking

forward to hearing from you.


Thank you

Yours sincerely,

Václav Šnajdr

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